Good health starts from within. The way you start your morning goes on to decide how you spend the rest of the day, week, and even month, in terms of health. Along with working out and eating clean, start your day with a nutrient-rich glass of water to flush out toxins and wake up your organs for a new day.
Wondering where you can get a nutrient-rich glass of water every morning? Try a copper water jug. Since long ago, a variety of DIY hacks have taught us the infinite benefits of drinking from a copper water jug. Today, we’ll share how drinking from a copper jug can benefit you and what’s the right way to set it, so make sure you read this article until the end.
8 Benefits of Drinking Copper Treated Water

Have you come across the latest fad of drinking copper-treated water every morning on an empty stomach? Perhaps you have! But is it even worth a try? Let’s check out 8 brilliant benefits of drinking copper water.
1. Helps in Treating Hypertension
Research shows that copper plays a huge role in your heart’s arterial pressure. If you suffer from a copper deficiency at a young age, it can lead to hypotension. On the other hand, if the copper deficiency sets at an older age, it can cause hypertension.
The good news is that hypertension is manageable. If you keep drinking copper water, it’ll restore your normal blood pressure — just remember not to overdo it. Excess copper consumption can lead to copper toxicity, leading to nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach ache, and more.
2. Minimizes the Risk of Cancer
Cancer has been one of the most elusive diseases in the history of medical science. Preventing or treating it all by yourself is impossible, but you can certainly take a few steps to minimize the risk.
One of the biggest causes of cancer is free radicals. Copper, on the contrary, is a strong antioxidant known for preventing the growth of free radicals and neutralizing their harmful effects. A copper-rich diet is a great first step to equipping your body against cancer.
3. Prevents Anemia
Anemia is a common health condition nowadays, affecting more than 2 billion patients globally. While in most cases it’s not life-threatening, life with anemia is quite challenging.
Instead of relying on pills and doctor visits your whole life, try pumping up your hemoglobin level naturally with copper water. It helps break down your food to release an adequate amount of hemoglobin and makes it easy for your body to absorb iron.
4. Fights Against Infections
Copper is rich in natural antioxidants and antibiotics, making it a perfect remedy for infections like swelling, redness, rashes, or even internal infection. Water, when stored in a copper vessel for over 8 hours, becomes devoid of all microbials.
One glass of copper-treated water keeps your body healthy from within. It’s known to protect your body against popular infections like E. Coli, S. Aureus, Cholera Bacillus, and many more.
5. Manages Thyroid-Related Problems
Copper, one of the most abundantly found minerals in our body, helps manage the thyroid levels of your body. Copper also facilitates absorption levels and prevents hormonal overdose.
In fact, the one thing that remains common among most thyroid patients is a copper deficiency. Copper helps your thyroid gland function properly, fights off damaging factors that could harm your thyroid glands, and also regulates the number of thyroid hormones released and absorbed by your body.
NOTE: Copper deficiency makes your thyroid gland malfunction, so similarly, excess copper intake can cause hyper or hypothyroidism.
6. Eases Digestion Issues
Since ancient Roman times, copper has been regarded as one of the best antibiotics to heal stomach pain. Even today, copper is known to flush out toxins from your digestive system, regulate the expansion and contraction of your stomach lining, and reduce any inflammation along the lining.
Whether you’re suffering from stomach pain, indigestion, or stomach infection, copper is an all-in-one remedy for everything.
7. Keeps Your Skin Tight & Young
Copper has been a popular element in beauty products ever since the concept of anti-aging was introduced to the world. Being a strong antioxidant, it protects your skin from sun damage. Along with that, it also boosts cell regeneration to minimize the harmful effects of free radicals on your skin and reduces hints of fine lines and wrinkles.
8. Helps You Lose Excess Weight
If a good lifestyle change brings about healthy weight loss, who wouldn’t take it, right? Research shows that drinking copper-treated water every morning helps remove excess body fat. By extracting the fat from fat cells (adipocytes), this process releases them back into the bloodstream as energy.
Copper keeps your body’s metabolism high and encourages it to burn excess fat even when you’re resting. This does not mean that drinking extra copper water will help you lose more weight or get in shape faster — it’ll only lead to copper poisoning.
How to Prepare and Drink Copper Treated Water the Right Way

Simply drinking out of a copper jug isn’t enough. You also need to set it the right way and follow a few precautions to prevent any adverse reaction.
For starters, fill your copper jug and leave it overnight. Remember not to refrigerate it. You can definitely pour in refrigerated water, but refrigerating the whole vessel will simply undo all of the benefits. Keep the water in a jug for at least 6 to 8 hours to let enough copper leach into it.
Next, make sure to drink your water on an empty stomach before brushing your teeth. This makes it easier for your body to absorb the copper and process it.
A lot of people swear by the benefits of drinking water mixed with lemon or honey to boost digestion and flush out toxins. While this is a great practice, avoid mixing it with copper water. The three elements might react together, making you feel nauseous.
Despite the countless benefits of copper water, do not drink it more than twice (or more than 710ml) a day.
If you have just started drinking copper water, maintain a gap of one month after two consecutive months of drinking copper-treated water to help your body get rid of any excess copper from your system.
How to Ensure You are Buying a Quality Copper Jug
All the benefits of drinking water from a copper vessel will only be achievable if you choose the right jug. Copper utensils have risen in popularity in the last few years, causing the market to flood with cheap duplicates, which is why we’re here to help you.
If you want to get your hands on quality copper jugs, follow these three simple steps:
1. Shop From a Reputable Seller
This goes without saying: if you’re investing in something this important for your health, you should always go for a reliable, experienced seller. Avoid online stores if they cannot provide a history of their business and service record. Go for stores that specialize in copper utensils or healthy lifestyle equipment.
Check if they have any warranty or guarantee on their copper products and be thorough with their return policy. If they’re a genuine seller, they’ll have no problem backing their product with a warranty.
You can also ask the seller for any lab-testing report, quality report, or even a simple product quality guarantee that proves the jug is made of 100% pure copper.
2. Test the Material
No matter what copper accessories you’re buying, don’t rely on the store owner’s expertise alone. If you want to make sure you are getting a pure copper jug, there are several ways to test it.
For starters, you can try putting a magnet near it. If it’s made of steel or wrought iron, you’ll clearly get to see its magnetic properties. Real copper, on the other hand, is not magnetic.
Next, you can strike the copper item with a stick and listen to its sound. If it’s real copper, you’ll get a deep mellow-like sound. On the other hand, if it’s made of an alloy, the sound will be shrill, clear, and bell-like.
Since brass is cheaper than copper, you’ll find a lot of lesser disguising brass jugs with a copper tint. To tell them apart, all that you have to do is wash the jug well and check it under clear light. If it has a reddish-brown shade, it’s real copper but if it has a yellowish or orangish tint, it’s brass.
3. Check the Price
Often, in an attempt to get cheaper copper utensils, you end up buying fake products. It’s important to understand that copper is an expensive metal and no seller will give you a discount at the expense of their own profit. Unbelievable discounts and cheap pricing are often a sign of counterfeit products and low-quality products.
On average, a copper jug will cost anywhere between $30 to $50. While we do not recommend going for overpriced utensils, this range will give you an idea if you’re heavily undercharged.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Why can you not store any acidic substance in copper pitchers and jugs?
Copper is a highly reactive metal. If you store acidic drinks in a copper jug, the acid will react with the copper as it does with any other metal, producing hydrogen and salt and corroding your copper jug in the process. At the same time, this reaction will also alter the taste of your drink. If you at all have to store any acidic drink in a copper vessel, it’s best to line it with a non-reactive metal sheet beforehand.
2. Is there a safe limit for daily copper water intake?
Yes, there’s a safe limit for daily water intake and it shouldn’t be taken in excess. A safe upper limit for copper water consumption is 710ml every day. The amount of copper leaching into your water is usually far below concerning levels but it is still best to limit your copper water intake.
3. Can you wash your face with copper jug water?
Yes, you can wash your face with copper jug water. Copper-treated water is not only great for your body but it also comes with countless skin benefits. It’s known to reduce fine lines, age spots, and wrinkles. Being rich in antioxidants, copper water can help heal redness and swelling and heal inflammation quickly.
4. How long does a copper utensil last?
Copper is a very durable metal and usually lasts for decades. But if you’re using it for drinking water every day, we recommend cleaning it every three months for maximum lifespan. Unless you somehow lose the jug or it gets too many black spots to be removed, copper almost never goes bad.
5. Why is your copper water bottle turning black?
Since copper is a highly reactive metal, the surface of your copper vessels goes through oxidation over time, which leads to the production of copper oxide, a black-colored metal. Usually, oxidation is catalyzed by heat. Since the copper jugs here won’t be used for cooking, the oxidation will be much slower. In some cases, it might even turn green when it goes through oxidation in the presence of excess moisture. Even if it does develop black or green spots, the efficiency of your copper jug will remain the same.
6. How long should you store the water in the copper jug before drinking it?
The water should be left overnight for at least 6 to 8 hours. This should give it enough time to soak in traces of copper. You might find the water tasting slightly metallic the next day. It’s nothing to worry about — it’s just the copper in your water giving off its natural taste.
Bottom Line
There are countless health benefits that come with drinking water stored in copper jugs every day. Follow the few simple steps we’ve mentioned, set up your copper water every night, and drink a cup every morning. One small lifestyle change and you can bid farewell to countless health issues, daily inconveniences, and expensive bills all in one go!